King of Self Destructive behavior

20 setembro, 2015

Its easy to snub off the addicts, the poor, the mentally ill, the ones that live in the border of society. Apart from the system, we say that they didn't try hard enough or that they were not strong enough to be able to part of society. 
The interesting part is the exact same people that judge the fringe are the ones that feed of them, as leeches. For every real job, for every night out, take out and fuck out there is someone else paying for it. 

Knowingly so I fly my flag high. I am the king of destructive behaviour - not as an act of ignorance but as an act of rebellion. 

Because lashing out doesn't work - so you destroy yourself. 

Deny and Destroy. 

People like us

27 janeiro, 2015

I am not fully certain anyone my age knows exactly what they are doing. We all seem to be stuck, either in jobs we hate, maddening people that use us (as much as we use them) or some sort of wishful thinking that everything will be all right in the end and our dreams will come true.
Just today, when I had to go back on that poison called facebook, I saw some jock I used to know in primary school saying that he was a writer.
Now, as I will admit I have no idea what the hell is going to his life now, I did use to know him very well. He was a rebel, an athlete, his mother has bat shit crazy, he once broke up with a girl because she wouldn't have sex with him. He was popular, shy and after 11th grade he had such a full on beard he looked about 25. 
This person is now coming back to the world saying he is a writer. An actual writer - of what, I don't know really. Maybe he will be the next Tolkien or the next Sparks. Who actually knows?
But the fact that he believes that he is a writer, a human being that is worth being read really annoys and confuses me.
Maybe understanding what is going on is understanding is we are all writers, painters, photographers - maybe the sole problem in my generation isn't finding a way - is actually choosing one fucking thing.
And after we do, how do we not end up being the guy with no hands that wants to draw? 
We all have mental problems, health issues, low self esteem, fucked up parents, a fucking personalised macbook and we all have stories that we think need to be heard.
But do we really?
What separates a good writer from a bad writer? What is the propose of writing? I am a writer or an angst young adult just pouring whatever crap I think into this space?
What if I am also Lena Dunham? And Oscar Wilde? And Virgina Woolf? And Picasso?