Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

07 dezembro, 2011

The last couple of days have been strange. I dont actually know what Im feeling. everything seems good in the outside, I am totally happy with my friends, living in Milan is a pretty amazing thing and yet I cant shake of this feeling of dissapointment. I feel like for most of my life Ive been failing things, my drivers license, the stupid economic classes, school in general. I feel such a failure all the time, I dont want do to stuff, I dont want to work, I dont even want to write. I keep whining about everything, I keep letting myself down.
Well, off now.
To somewhere.
I dont even know what I want

1 Comentários:

Emília Pam disse...

Ehehehe, as histórias não precisam de nada em troca :D
Não virás cá no Natal? ;)